Research Institute for Subtropics
Fruit Fly Research in Japan


Oviposition Behavior of the West Indian Sweet Potato Weevil Euscepes postfasciatus FAIRMIRE (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

<Author> Yukio SHIMOJI ; Tsuguo KOHAMA
<Year> 1994
<Journal> Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool.
<Volume> 38
<Issue> 1
<Pages> 43-46
<Notes> Japanese

The oviposition behavior of the West Indian Sweet Potato Weevil, Euscepes postfasciatus FAIRMIRE was observed in the laboratory. Oviposition behaviors were composed of searching for an egg-laying site, resting, excavating an egg-laying hole with mouthparts, ovipositing into the hole, lidding the egg-laying hole with feces, and resting after ovipositing. The size of the egg, features of the egg-laying hole and the fecal lid were also noted.

Research Institute for Subtropics